Title: 1) Senior Associate Professor (Retired) 2) Musician, Songwriter and Recording Artist
Company: 1) Miami Dade College 2) Rob “Wild Boar” Moore
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Robert Bruce Moore, retired senior associate professor at Miami Dade College and musician, songwriter and recording artist, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Artists for dedication, achievements, and leadership in music and higher education.
Mr. Moore, a retired educator, concluded his teaching career in 2016 at Miami-Dade College as a senior associate professor. As a seasoned educator, he taught within the English department to students on campus. Serving as an inspirational teacher and mentor, he pushed them as they strived to be the best versions of themselves while striving for excellence. For three decades, Mr. Moore taught three subject areas on campus, including Blues and Jazz History.
Aside from his renowned teaching expertise, Mr. Moore garnered significant success as a musician, songwriter and recording artist, earning fame for his expertise as a talented blues guitarist. In his early days in Chicago, he was fortunate to meet and perform alongside several musical geniuses of his time, including Muddy Waters, Otis Rush and Sam Lay. Mr. Moore also toured with John Lee Hooker in the late 1970s, sitting in for Boogieman’s regular guitarist. He continually progressed, earning the nickname of Rob “Wild Boar” Moore.
Shortly after earning fame, Mr. Moore discovered academia and pivoted into higher education and humanities, where he remained for decades. During his tenure teaching in Miami, he managed his own band for over a decade, featuring a local music legend, Clifford Hawkins, during the 1990s. The two played throughout the state and together released the album “Eye of the Storm.” Mr. Moore would also play at local venues, such as Macabi’s Cigar Bar in South Miami.
Following his retirement from academia in South Florida, Mr. Moore returned to his hometown of Chicago. He became involved in several gigs as a sideman before performing his own work. He would frequent local clubs on the city’s north side, including the Aura Beach Café. He has also made himself available for private affairs.
Mr. Moore’s musical aptitude has culminated in the release of two albums recently, “Used To Be Wild” in 2022 and “Chicago Dog” in 2024, both of which received positive feedback. His popular songs have graced the airways in the United States, Europe, Canada and beyond.
Before he was even in high school, Mr. Moore became fascinated by blues music, first picking up the guitar at age 12. Ultimately, he earned two bachelor’s degrees and a master’s degree in English and reading education from Northeastern Illinois University and began a career in teaching. Beyond his formal degrees, Mr. Moore traveled quite a bit, where he has been fortunate to get a fresh perspective on multiple other cultures. These experiences have shaped who he is as a musician and who he was as an educator.
Despite facing various obstacles during his lifetime, including difficulties learning, Mr. Moore persevered and found strength in his talents to continue progressing. He also resolved to prove others wrong, particularly those who challenged his abilities.
Mr. Moore continues to make music, which is a constant passion of his. As he looks forward to the future, he intends to remain active in the music industry. He also wants to continue growing his brand and promoting his music to attract more listeners.
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